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I welcome you to the Computer Lab, and to a year full of learning and growing. 

There are a number of modules that the students learn about during the school year. These modules may include the following:

Basic Computer Knowledge 
Word Processing 

Powerpoint Presentation
KidPix Deluxe 3D

Green Screen by Do Ink 
FeltBoard-iPad application 
Paint/ Tuxpaint

Book Creator-iPad application

Scratch Jr.- Coding/ Programming

Browse different educational websites

During the weekly lab visits, the students increase their computer literacy skills using NETS  Standards.  The students have opportunities to gain experience in typing and varied software programs by running educational programs which enhance their critical thinking and a 
problem-solving Grade 2 in addition to proficiency in

1st grade knowledge, they learn advanced mouse skills 
(right clicking), work with two pieces of software, open simultaneously to create projects and reports in Word. Copyright laws governing text and pictures from internet sources will be presented.  Students learn to copy pictures from pre-screened internet sites and paste them into their project. Charts and graphs are introduced using Excel. Students recognize accurate terminology to describe hardware, software, multimedia devices, and to identify the basic functions of technology resources commonly used in early elementary classrooms.

Students use the lab as a learning tool to better prepare them for a successful future in today's technology based world.

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