Welcome to Mrs. Khan's Technology Class!!
This site contains important students and parents information as well as teacher's resources
Scope & Sequence- Grade 3
Unit 1: Get to know each other
iPads make researching and presenting more exciting. The class will use Pic Collage to create a picture collage of facts and pictures of their friends.
This will help the students to know each other and develop communication skills in a safe environment.
The completed Pic Collage will be uploaded on Seesaw.
ISTE Standards:1b, 1c, 1d, 2b, 2d, 6d
Resources: Pic Collage app-iPads
Unit 2: Symmetrical Image
Students will define the terms symmetry and asymmetry. They will compare symmetric and asymmetric objects.
Connecting Arts and technology is a great way for younger students to learn symmetry.
In this lesson, students will create symmetrical patterns using shapes, colors, and text on Kidpix Deluxe. They will learn to copy, paste, rotate, and flip the image. Students will save their files in their folders. They will add their images to the slide sorters and later will take screenshots and after renaming them they will airdrop the images to the iPads. They will upload their images on a Seesaw.
Resources: Kidpix Deluxe-PC and iPads
Unit 3: Code with Spheros
Students will learn to code by drawing, using scratch blocks, and writing JavaScript text with the Sphero Edu app. The colorful LED matrix is fully programmable and easy on the eyes.
Students will first explore the app and Sphero bolt, how to connect it, and drive the bolt by giving the draw commands. Then in a group, they will design a model for their bolts to participate in a Balloon battle. In the second project, students will focus on block and text coding. They will create a maze game to challenge the other group. They will learn about variables, conditional statements, and loops while creating their game.
Resources: Sphero Edu app-iPads, Sphero Bolts
Project 1: Balloon Battle
Project 2: Coding Maze
Unit 4: Digital Story Books
In this lesson, students will create a digital book on Book creator, an app on the iPad. They will learn to open and quit Book Creator, select a layout, select different shapes and colors to create a picture, type the title and captions or text accordingly, add background color, and learn to copy and paste the images. They will learn how to rename the book and how to export it as iBooks and video.
Resources: Book Creator-iPad/PC online
Developing Typing skills
Students will focus on their touch typing on typing.com. They will practice after 2 cycles or whenever they complete the project or task given.
Resources: Dance Mat Typing